Paul Hudson wrote:

>I still have an issue and some questions though.
>1) In my syslog i'm getting the output ' pppoa3 [<num>] : CRC error in AAL5
>I'm assuming something needs tweaking.
I'm still having CRC-errors but performance is okay.
Did YOU get rid of'em?

>2) Each time I log on I have to run the modem_run and pppd call commands to
>get a connection and I also need to be logged on as root.  Can this be setup
>in a start-up file and available from any user account ?
Have a look a hot/cold-plugging; for me that runs fine (start automatically
at system-start and whenever I pull & re-insert the plug........

>3) How can I disconnect the line if I want ?
- pull the plug, or
- kill all pppd/pppoa3 tasks

>4) Can anyone point me to information about setting up my firewall ?
Have a look at shorewall, though I'm not sure it'll work under your Linux.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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