Still hacking along, guys; I made a simple
pipe-version for the  usb-read-part, but 
that gave no difference.
In the meantime I found something else though:
I always get a CRC-error, when the amount of
data as read from the modem is abnormally (??)
large, i.e. larger than 1696......

The regular sort of data-chunk I get is 53 bytes
(1 cell) or 159 bytes (3 cells) and from time to
time something larger, but these top em all:

ATM cells read from usb (3339 bytes long)
ATM cells read from usb (1855 bytes long)
ATM cells read from usb (2120 bytes long)
ATM cells read from usb (2597 bytes long)
ATM cells read from usb (3339 bytes long)
ATM cells read from usb (2650 bytes long)

Is it normal?
If no, what can I do about it?


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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