
 I have a few comments regarding the code of void report(). This function 
is available in very similar form in modem_run.c, pppoa2.c and pppoa3.c. 
For my examples I'll use pppoa3.c.

 First it is not clear to me why everything is logged with log level 
LOG_INFO in case REPORT_DUMP is not set. I do believe one also wants log 
level separation in case REPORT_DUMP is not set. In that case the logging 
code would be identical whether REPORT_DUMP is set or not. Only the 
initialisation of buffer and length should be done in the if block.

 My second comment regards the order of the variables passed to report(). 
It seems a bit unlogical to pass the format parameter as the last variable 
in case REPORT_DUMP is set. If the order of the parameters is rearranged so 
the format parameter comes directly after the format variable (ie it is the 
fourth parameter independent of whether REPORT_DUMP is set) the setting of 
buffer and length can be done directly before dump() in the same if block. 
In that case the whole section between /* Prints log message */ and /* 
UnLock the report mutex */ can then be simplified to:

#ifndef USE_SYSLOG
                vfprintf(log, format, ap);
                char msg[256];

                vsnprintf(msg, 256, format, ap);
                        syslog(LOG_ERR, msg);
                else if (flags&REPORT_INFO)
                        syslog(LOG_INFO, msg);
                else if (flags&REPORT_DEBUG)
                        syslog(LOG_DEBUG, msg);

#ifndef USE_SYSLOG
                /* If needed we include the strerror from libc */
                if(flags & REPORT_PERROR)
                        fprintf(log, "Reason : %s\n", strerror(errno));

                if(flags & REPORT_DUMP) {
                        buffer = va_arg(ap, char*);
                        length = va_arg(ap, int);
                        dump(buffer, length);

 I am happy to supply a patch that fixes this for modem_run.c, pppoa2.c and 


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