
i've been trying to get a thomson speedtouch 330 usb to work.

# modem_run -v 2 -f /usr/local/lib/speedtouch/KQD6P2.eni
gets me
Apr 21 17:50:56 localhost modem_run[7518]: Found SpeedTouch USB modem 
Apr 21 17:50:56 localhost modem_run[7518]: Modem revision: 0400 
Apr 21 17:50:56 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 1 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:50:56 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 2 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:50:57 localhost modem_run[7518]: Best offset      0 with probability  87% 
Apr 21 17:50:57 localhost modem_run[7518]: Best offset      0 with probability  75% 
Apr 21 17:50:57 localhost modem_run[7518]: Unable to locate firmware in 

and firmware.bin file gets me

Apr 21 17:51:53 localhost modem_run[7522]: Found SpeedTouch USB modem 
Apr 21 17:51:53 localhost modem_run[7522]: Modem revision: 0400 
Apr 21 17:51:53 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 1 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:51:53 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 2 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:51:53 localhost modem_run[7522]: Best offset      0 with probability  87% 
Apr 21 17:51:53 localhost modem_run[7522]: Best offset      0 with probability  75% 
Apr 21 17:51:53 localhost modem_run[7522]: Unable to locate firmware in 

if i add -a, i get a match on the microcode file, but the firmware
itself still doesn't load:

Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost modem_run[7524]: Found SpeedTouch USB modem 
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost modem_run[7524]: Modem revision: 0400 
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 1 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 2 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost modem_run[7524]: Best offset      0 with probability 100% 
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost modem_run[7524]: Best offset    875 with probability 100% 
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost modem_run[7524]: Firmware info (CRC:0xd3e33990, Size:883, 
Checked: Yes, Ian's Free Software Boot block) 
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost modem_run[7524]: Best offset      0 with probability  75% 
Apr 21 17:52:52 localhost modem_run[7524]: Unable to locate firmware in 

i've tried the modem_run from the sid package, the source tarball at
http://speedtouch.sourceforge.net/index.php?/download.en.html and the
cvs version from that page.

then i tried poking firmware.c like so,
@@ -498,7 +498,8 @@
-       return((best_match == pattern_length)?best_offset:-1);
+       //return((best_match == pattern_length)?best_offset:-1);
+        return best_offset;

which resulted in some new log messages but did not get me very far...

Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 1 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: usbfs: interface 2 claimed while 
'modem_run' sets config #1
Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost modem_run[3109]: Best offset      0 with probability  87% 
Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost modem_run[3109]: Best offset 671645 with probability  87% 
Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost modem_run[3109]: Firmware info (CRC:0x3b4a5854, Size:671653, 
Checked: Yes, Unknown revision - Please report the CRC and length with the revision 
number to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost modem_run[3109]: Best offset      0 with probability  75% 
Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost modem_run[3109]: Best offset 671645 with probability  75% 
Apr 21 17:39:00 localhost modem_run[3109]: Firmware info (CRC:0x3b4a5854, Size:671653, 
Checked: Yes, 1.6.1 - MacOSX - Win32(1.0.1800)) 
Apr 21 17:39:02 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: bulk timeout on ep5in
Apr 21 17:39:02 localhost kernel: usbfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 7 ep 0x85 len 512 
ret -110
Apr 21 17:39:04 localhost modem_run[3109]: BLOCK1 : 671653 bytes   uploaded : OK 
Apr 21 17:39:06 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: bulk timeout on ep5in
Apr 21 17:39:06 localhost kernel: usbfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 7 ep 0x85 len 512 
ret -110
Apr 21 17:39:06 localhost modem_run[3109]: BLOCK2 
Apr 21 17:39:06 localhost modem_run[3109]: Retrying to upload microcode (#0) 
Apr 21 17:39:08 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: bulk timeout on ep5in
Apr 21 17:39:08 localhost kernel: usbfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 7 ep 0x85 len 512 
ret -110
Apr 21 17:39:10 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: bulk timeout on ep5out
Apr 21 17:39:10 localhost kernel: usbfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 7 ep 0x5 len 4096 
ret -110
Apr 21 17:39:10 localhost modem_run[3109]: BLOCK1 
Apr 21 17:39:10 localhost modem_run[3109]: Retrying to upload microcode (#1) 
Apr 21 17:39:12 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: bulk timeout on ep5in
Apr 21 17:39:12 localhost kernel: usbfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 7 ep 0x85 len 512 
ret -110
Apr 21 17:39:14 localhost kernel: usb 2-1: bulk timeout on ep5out
Apr 21 17:39:14 localhost kernel: usbfs: USBDEVFS_BULK failed dev 7 ep 0x5 len 4096 
ret -110
Apr 21 17:39:14 localhost modem_run[3109]: BLOCK1 
Apr 21 17:39:14 localhost modem_run[3109]: Retrying to upload microcode (#2) 
[... repeat until i get bored and ctrl-c the modem_run process]

system details:
  kernel 2.6.5-mm6
  debian partly-unstable, including speedtouch package from unstable

help? ;)

  -- erno

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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