I'm trying to help someone remotely get a reliable connection running. 
Not sure which modem_run I'm using but it was CVS and the last Changelog
entry was 24th March 2004.  We're using the 2.6.5 kernel driver.

We are able to establish a connection no problem, modem_run uploads the 
firmware, ADSL line comes up, PPP establishes a connection fine.

But it then seems to die once we try pinging through the connection.  We
then also get this in the syslog:

modem-run[150] [monitoring report] ADSL Link went down
immediately followed by
modem-run[150] [monitoring report] ADSL Link went up

Does this suggest the modem is losing sync at the ATM layer?  If so, what
are the most likely causes of this? Is it hardware, software, or just
problems with the ADSL line, or potentially any one of these?

Many thanks,

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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