> > You better raise this issue at the [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Maybe
> > somebody on that list can update you on the status of Fedora Core 2 in
> > regard to this bug.
> It's a kernel problem and will be fixed in 2.6.7.  Maybe the fedora people
> can backport the fix (= a bunch of changes in drivers/usb/core/devio.c
> by yours truly).
> Ciao,
> Duncan.


I have also noticed the problems with FC2 test3, and am willing to try
to make the changes in the final version of FC2 which will be released
next week. Could you then please send me the required file(s) that I
need to check and update? And maybe some pointers where in the source
files I need to look...

When I get it to work I can post a patch file, so that every FC2 user
can enjoy his Speedtouch again.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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