Selon Edouard Gomez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hey,
> I'm trying hard to include support for Classical IPoATM
> support in pppoa3. I've stealen^Wborrowed code from the eci
> driver to include more encapsulations from rfc2684.

> I do see some network traffic, but tcpdump doesn't recognize
> the protocol. I tried every type of encapsulation mode, then
> launching a dhcp client over the interface did not work (as
> it's the case for the ethernet bridge freebox modem). That
> doesn't surprises me, as the DHCP requests are usually carried
> by ethernet frames, so maybe their DHCP server doesn't respond
> when using ATM.
> So i wonder if it's possible to connect with dhcp with the help
> of these new encapsulations. Or if i still need to follow this
> page advises:
A problem I have with eci driver is that dhcpcd refuse to work with tun 
interface as routed_IP is not at the ethernet level.

> And in that case, how do i set up atmarpd+pppoa3 (or is this
> possible).
In the case you try to use atmarpd, you will not be able to use a dhcpc client 
because atmarp need to know the gateway address when it is started.

There is an alternate solution to atmarp whose princip is to use a modified 
br2684ctl wich support routed_IP.
You may look at
I don't know if in this way it will be possible to support a dhcp client. But 
the reluctance from the dhcp client to work at IP level should stay intact.

If you manage the driver to behave like an ATM interface, what special 
interest is it to use pppoa3 instead of the speedtch module? :-)
I only know the difference may be when bonding 2 modems.

Would it be not more interesting from the user point of view to develop parts 
wich are not supported in both drivers like :
- modulation (G-dtm, G-lite, ANSI T)choice and display during use,
- display FAST_PATH or interleaved,
- display line signal levels.

This is just my two euro-cents.


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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