Ok, thanks for all your anwser.

Have a nice day,


George Miliotis (Corfiot) wrote:

>RUAUDEL Frédéric wrote:
>>Hi folks,
>>  I would like to have some details regarding the ADSL line speed.
>>When I start my connection, modem_run give me this log after loading the 
>>firmware :
>>modem_run[26470]: ADSL line is up (608 kbit/s down | 160 kbit/s up)
>>So my questions are :
>>- Are they reliable values ? (I mean are they calculated values or it is 
>>something negociated with the other end)
>>- Is anybody here have other values (espacially somebody with a 1024k 
>>connection) ?
>modem_run[10549]: ADSL line is up (1152 kbit/s down | 288 kbit/s up)
>for 1024/256kbit connection. If you just got upgraded maybe you may need 
>to unplug yourself and plug yourself back in?
>Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
>Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
Pour se désinscrire : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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