
I have been trying to get the SpeedTouch 330 operational under Fedora
Core 3. In the end I succeeded, and want to give some feedback on
problems I encountered so that others can benefit from it.

Some time ago I read in this list that it was needed to copy the atm
header files that belong to the used kernel from
/usr/src/linux-some-version/include/linux to /usr/include/linux.
Therefore I downloaded the source code of the kernel that came with FC3,
and installed it. It appeared to end up in /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES. I
untarred linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2 such that the kernel source tree ended up
in /usr/src/linux-2.6.9. 
Then I copied the /usr/src/linux-2.6.9/include/linux/atm*.h files to

I commented out the kernel module in configure and Makefile in the "root
directory" of speedbundle-1.0, filled in some details in the ppp_scripts
(as described in the documentation), and compiled the whole lot:
$ make

Unfortunately I got compiler errors related to 2 problems:
1) switch statements in the speedbundle sources that had an empty
"default" clause
2) __user being in the way in the files /usr/include/linux/atmdev.h and

sub 1) my compiler (gcc 3.4.2 20041017) did not like nothing after a
"default" clause; it generated errors for this (not warnings). 
In the files speedbundle-1.0/linux-atm/src/lib/sapequal.c, 
speedbundle-1.0/linux-atm/src/sigd/proto.c, and 
speedbundle-1.0/linux-atm/src/maint/enitune.c I fixed the problem by




sub 2) Add the line "#define __user" to the file
/usr/include/linux/atm.h before the line "#include <linux/compiler.h>",
so that it (__user) is removed by the preprocessor. I do not oversee
what is influenced by this, but it did work for me. Does anybody know
the purpose of __user?

After solving these problems everything compiled (here and there some

Then I removed the existing ppp package with:
# rpm -e --nodeps ppp

and I installed the stuff:
# make install

I tested the modem with two commands:
# /usr/sbin/modem_run -k -f /usr/lib/speedtouch/firmware.bin
wait until the modem lights stay lighting up green continuously, and
# /usr/sbin/pppd call speedtch

The connection was made, so it worked.

I saw that DNS did not work (when browsing using the name of the
website), so I adapted /etc/resolve.conf to include the IP-addresses of
the name servers of my provider. Finally I could browse the web using
site names i.s.o. IP-numbers.

Regarding my changes:
- the first changes I made had to do with incompatibility of the
  speedbundle sources with the new compiler. You could add my changes to
  the next release of speedbundle.
- the change in the kernel header file atm.h was a quick and dirty one,
  where I could not completely oversee what could be ruined by this. How
  should this be fed back to the right people?

Kind regards,


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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