
I'm afraid I can't see the zip file in the listing. We are looking for file, and that one is not there. I even 
searched the mail :) ... As far as I know zzzl_3.012 is already a firmware file 
and definitely not a zip file.

The file contains two files:
- kqd6_3.012
- zzzl_3.012

It you've already got the firmware extracted as there is zzzl file in your 
directory. I don't know whether the second one (kqd6) is also needed.

To sum up: zip file is not in your directory so:
- either download it, copy it there and run unzip command
- ... or you can try to skip the unzip command as there is already firmware 
extracted (zzzl_3.012)

Best regards,


F J Brooks wrote:

>Thanks, Andrej. This is what it looks like:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ cd /home/fred
>total 920
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 fred fred   7362 2005-05-08 16:50 br2684~1.deb
>-rw-r—r—1 fred fred    0     2005-05-08 12:35 chmod
>drwx------ 2 fred fred   4096 2005-05-08 17:09 Desktop
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 fred fred 11901 2005-05-08 16:50 firmware
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 fred fred 11901 2005-05-08 12:21 firmware-extractor
>lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    7    2005-05-02  17:15 floppy -> floppy0
>drwxr-xr-x 3 fred fred 4096 2005-05-08 12:32 floppy0
>drwxr-xr-x 4 fred fred 4096 2005-05-04 12:22 home
>-rw-r—r—1 fred fred 5356 2005-05-01 22:51 kubuntu error msg.sxw 
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 fred fred 68980 2005-05-08 16:50 libatm~1.deb
>-rw-r—r—1 fred fred   7107 2005-05-01 18:34 terminal re Kubuntu.sxw
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 fred fred  12223 2005-05-08 16:50 thelin~1.htm
>drwxr-xr-x 2 fred fred  4096  2005-05-08 12:20 thelin~2
>-rw-r—r—1 fred fred  6821  2005-05-08 07:19 usb devices.sxw
>-rwxr-xr-x 1 fred fred 776512 2005-05-08 16:51 zzzl_3.012
>On Sun 08/05/2005 19:45, Richard van der Hoff wrote:
>>Yeah, as Andrej has already mentioned, it can't find the zip file you
>saved off from the link on the 
>> page. Has it got the wrong name? Are you sure you copied it
>onto the floppy disc (and 
>>thence into your home directory)?
>As you can both see, the file is there (zzzl_3.012)
>I just don’t understand how this problem has arisen – am I really the only
>person who has had this problem?
>Any further help you can give would be much appreciated.

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