Ok friend!
Probably I'll try to do this suggestions tomorrow!
I'll contact you again.
Thank you meanwhile!

--- Duncan Sands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> Hi Hervandil,
> > And I think I did not installed any boot script.
> As I
> > told you, every time I just perform what is
> suggested
> > on that site.
> > I think I could try to do this you told me,
> installing
> > everything without the PPPoE section. But, since
> my
> > ISP works in PPPoE, should I really try this?
> don't do the "PPPoE bit", and don't do the "PPP
> options" bit.
> Of course your computer won't connect itself to the
> internet
> if you don't do them, but that's not the point: the
> point is
> finding out why your computer hangs and fixing that.
>  We can
> worry about connectivity once your computer is
> booting OK.
> After all a hung computer that's connected to the
> internet
> is not very useful :)
> > In case affirmative, should I perform the PPPoA
> step?
> No, it's pointless if you have PPPoE.
> Ciao,
> D.
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