> By the way, is there anywhere like that that you can pick up such things 
> as signal-noise ratio, attenuation, etc?

No, because I don't know how to get that information from the modem.

> I have found where to check if ISOC is enabled 
> (/sys/module/speedtch/parameters/enable_isoc). It isnt enabling. I have 
> added the file /etc/modutils/speedtch, containing the line "options 
> speedtch enable_isoc=1", run update-modules, and rebooted (it doesnt 
> work modprobe -r speedtch then reloading). Any ideas? Kernel is

First try
        rmmod speedtch
        modprobe speedtch enable_isoc=1
If that works, then you need to work out how your distribution handles
module parameters, sorry...



Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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