Hi Tommy,

> For several days I have been trying to configure my speedtouch usb modem on 
> my gentoo box.
> I tried the documentation for gentoo  at 
> http://www.linux-usb.org/SpeedTouch/gentoo/index.html
> But I have not been sucessful. I am connected to a LAN with a static ip 
> address, netmask gateway
> and dns. I do not have a password or a username. I am not sure whther I need 
> to take the connection
> as PPPoA or PPPoE. My connection through a USB port. So I assume that it is 
> PPPoA.     
> The properties of the workibng connection in my window partition is as 
> follows:
> Connection
> VPI 8
> VCI 35
> Type: RFC 1483B
> Encapsulation: LLC
> FCS: Automatic
> ADSL type: POTS
> Adsl Mode: Gdmt.A

try the following procedure.  This assumes your ISP is using "routed ip".  It
doesn't use ppp/pppd at all, however you will need to have atmarp and atmarpd
installed (from the atm-tools package, dunno what gentoo calls it).  You will
need to do this as root.

VCI=35 # are you sure it's 35?  36 is more usual
LOC_IP=AA.BB.CC.DD # put your static ip address here
REM_IP=EE.FF.GG.HH # put your gateway's ip address here
echo "Starting atmarpd server: "
atmarpd -b -l syslog # you don't need to do this if your system starts atmarpd 
atmarp -c atm0
ifconfig atm0 $LOC_IP netmask mtu 1500 up
atmarp -s $REM_IP $VPI.$VCI $ENCAPS
route add default gw $REM_IP

> Please tell me how I have to go about setting up my connection.

Good luck!


Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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