thank you. it was the user name, it's like [EMAIL PROTECTED], i forgot the 
".uk" part
but the wired thing it worked with this setting once,
i thought it is correct so i saved the PPPoE script files i made and keep using 
them. that was the problem.

another question
i got the mandrive 2008.1 pwp but i couldn't find the "liblinux-atm" on the dvd,

i found "libatm1 2.5.0" (34KB). = "This package contains libraries needed to 
run programs linked with linux-atm."

i installed it, it works also.
does "libatm1 2.5" replace "liblinux-atm" ?

do i need to install any thing else for stable operation ?

after i run the mandriva system update i found another packages:

1) linux-atm 2.5.0 = Tools and libraries for ATM​

2) libatm-devel 2.5.0 = "This package contains development files needed to 
compile programs which use linux-atm."

do i install any of these?

thank you

Liste de diffusion modem ALCATEL SpeedTouch USB
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