On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 5:57 AM, Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You do know you can change packet TTL both at the local level and at the
> router / firewall?  If that's all they are doing for detecting machines
> then it is simply avoided.  Likewise with a socks / HTTP proxy server.
> Ofcourse that would be breaking the terms and conditions but you can do
> it if you want to.

It should be, but to my mind it doesn't sound like a very good idea.
> You have a set up that works and you are planning to keep to the same
> network topology, so why not invest in some reasonable structured
> cabling?  Alternatively why not replace the 4 routers with one Linux
> box?  I suspect these are more time efficient ways of solving the same
> problem and will result in a better, more stable system.

Thanks for your advices. Current I start to learn how to use iptables,
iproute, squid to do that.(TTL, IPID, proxying...)

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