==> Kija Blue 2006 Expedition. FromWorld Caving News http://www.zenas.gr/WCN => 12 July 2006.G'Day Everyone,We are about to head north to the Kimberley to explore the depths of Kija Blue Sinkhole, followed by further cave and cave diving exploration in the Ningbing Ranges.Mike Collins has set up a web page on trimixdivers on which we have put a few details about the trip as well as an outline of the trip plan.http://www.trimixdivers.com/Navigate.do?tableName=caves&code=kija_blue_sinkhole We will have on-site satphone access and will provide Mike with regular updatesto add to the website while we are diving between 18-27 July.We have also linked in the Cave Diving Death Trap article (written by Ken Smith and myself) following last year's terrifying dive in Waterfall Cave (KNI-19) where I almost lost my life. Ken and I will revisit the 'scene of the crime' after we have been to Kija Blue and will report the situation now, following a healthy 05/06 wet season in the region.http://www.trimixdivers.com/Navigate.do?tableName=caves_reports&code=death_trap_cave_dive For any Australian cave divers that have not read this article, I humbly implore you to do so as many lessons were learnt from my near death experience that it is hoped will help you avoid falling into the same trap I did.Catch you on the flipside.Kindest Regards,Paul HosieASF-Cave Diving GroupWestern Australia Speleological GroupSource: OZCAVERS mailing list http://www.zenas.gr/site/home/eng_detail.asp?iData=4685 --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ SpeleoUnion http://groups.google.ru/group/SpeleoUnion -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---