==> Punkin Cave Survey report, 1-3 June 2007.
From World Caving News http://www.zenas.gr/WCN =>  8 June 2007.Twenty-one 
cavers from the Austin, Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas areas descended upon 
the wilds of Carta Valley to once again do battle with the monster known as 
Punkin Cave.  10 were returning veterans, bearing the physical and emotional 
scars from previous surveys into the bowels of the cave.  The others were 
Punkin virgins, soon to be initiated to the guano-filled delights that keep 
bringing us back.  By the end of the weekend we could lay claim to another 300 
meters of hard-fought survey, and some increased photodocumentation.The first 
group consisting of trip leader Jim Kennedy, Mike Sisson, and Lee Jay Graves 
arrived at the TCMA fieldhouse around 3:30 Friday afternoon, unloaded their 
vehicle, and opened the cabin.  They then went to the cave to check out the bee 
situation (a non-issue) and rig the two entrances.  They soon returned to the 
cabin and welcomed the other participants who were slowly trickling in.  A 
couple of beers and some burgers and Elgin Garlic Sausage cooked on the grill 
topped off a satisfying evening under the full moon catching up with old 
friends.The next morning saw a mass breakfast directed by Pete the Elder, with 
everybody tanking up for the long day ahead.  Releases were signed, and a group 
meeting was held to go over the cabin and property rules and to assign everyone 
to teams and survey objectives.  After the usual gearing up process, everyone 
headed to the cave to await their turns on the two rappel lines.  Wes and Team 
Superstition headed back to the end of the Superstition Maze, and gathered 
another 62.59 meters of survey in 20 shots, finishing off some leads.  However, 
there is still much to do in this area.  Jim lead the usual band and a couple 
of new additions back to Sleepy Hollow, guiding Pete's and John's teams there 
to begin their surveys.  Jim's intention was to survey out from Sleepy Hollow 
and connect back to Fifty Fathoms, but ended up spending the whole time in a 
confusing breakdown maze with lots of ...

==> Atlas of Great Caves of the World.
From World Caving News http://www.zenas.gr/WCN =>  From the Editors: Joel 
Despain, Lee Florea, and Pat Kambesis To: All Potential ContributorsCave Books, 
the publication affiliate of the Cave Research Foundation, USA, is pleased to 
announce their plans to update and revise Atlas of the Great Caves of the 
World. This all new English-language edition will be completed and in press in 
time for the 2009 International Congress of Speleology to be held in Kerrville 
Texas. The previous edition was originally published in French in 1986 by Paul 
Courbon and Claude Chabert. The English version by Courbon, Chabert, Bosted & 
Lindlsey was published in 1989. At the time of its publication, Lechuguilla 
Cave was 50 kilometers long (now 180 kilometers in length) and the world's 
deepest cave, Krubera, had not been discovered. There are several criteria for 
caves to be included in this edition. These are: * All caves over 30 kilometers 
long (currently there are 117 on the Gulden list.) * All caves over 1000 meters 
deep (currently that includes 84 caves) , * For each country of the world, the 
significantly longest and deepest caves regardless of their ranking on the 
world lists as to be determined by the editors. * Caves that include the 
world's largest underground chambers (greater than 30,000m2) * Greatest 
Through-Trips (caves containing a traverse where the cave is entered by an 
upper entrance, and exited by a lower entrance.) * Greatest underground ascents 
(the difference in elevation between the extreme points of the possible climb, 
whether the point of departure is the entrance of the cave or a low point made 
inside the cave.) * Record cave dives * Greatest hydrogeologic systems * 
Greatest non-limestone caves * Great vertical pits either solitary or within a 
cave. * Caves with other particularly outstanding and extraordinary features 
such as mineral deposits, archeology, paleontology, etc. as determined by the 
editors For this to be a successful project we need your help. Updated maps, 
articles, photographs and information ...

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