On 2009-05-19, Guenter Milde wrote:
> On 2009-05-19, Gael Varoquaux wrote:
>> On Tue, May 19, 2009 at 05:50:59AM +0000, Guenter Milde wrote:

>>> * using a stylesheet and re-defining the \scalebox command
> ...

>> That's an option, althought it feels like a gludge. 

I found "the right way" in grfguide.pdf:

  4.6     Global setting of keys

  Most of the keyval keys used in the graphicx package may also be set
  using the command \setkeys provided by the keyval package.
  For instance, suppose you wanted all the files to be included in the
  current document to be scaled to 75% of the width of the lines of text,
  then one could issue the following command:
  \setkeys{Gin}{width=0.75\textwidth} Here ‘Gin’ is the name used for the
  keyval keys associated with ‘Graphics inclusion’. All following
  \includegraphics commands (within the same group or environment) will
  act as if [width=0.75\textwidth] had been specified, in addition to any
  other key settings actually given in the optional argument. 
  Similarly to make all \rotatebox arguments take an argument in radians,
  one just needs to specify: \setkeys{Grot}{units=6.28318}

so for your scaling, the default value can be set with::


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