
On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Chris Withers <ch...@simplistix.co.uk>wrote:

> Georg Brandl wrote:
> > For Python methods, neither return nor parameter types are supported in
> > a special way.  (This will change; I intend to allow 3k-style annotations
> > at some point which could be used for type info.)

good news :)

> >
> > One convention, other than simply putting it into the prose, is to put
> doc
> > fields à la Epydoc into the documentation, like this:
> >
> > .. function:: foo(x)
> >
> >    :param x: blah
> >    :rtype: :class:`Bar`

For example, this is what is done in the kaa.base project (

For me, the following pages are really beautiful:
- http://doc.freevo.org/api/kaa/base/core/io.html
- http://doc.freevo.org/api/kaa/base/core/process.html
- etc...


in kaa.base.io.py
class IOChannel(Object):
    # see the result here:
    def read(self):
        Reads a chunk of data from the channel.

        :returns: An :class:`~kaa.InProgress` object. If the InProgress is
                  finished with the empty string, it means that no data
                  was collected and the channel was closed (or the channel
                  was already closed when read() was called).


# see the result here:
class IOChannel(Object):
    Base class for read-only, write-only or read-write descriptors such as
    Socket and Process.  Implements logic common to communication over
    such channels such as async read/writes and read/write buffering.

    It may also be used directly with file descriptors or file-like objects.
    e.g. ``IOChannel(file('somefile'))``

    :param channel: file descriptor to wrap into an IOChannel
    :type channel: integer file descriptor, file-like object, or other
    :param mode: indicates whether the channel is readable, writable, or
    :type mode: bitmask of kaa.IO_READ and/or kaa.IO_WRITE
    :param chunk_size: maximum number of bytes to be read in from the
                       at a time; defaults to 1M.
    :param delimiter: string used to split data for use with readline;
                      to '\\\\n'.

    Writes may be performed to an IOChannel that is not yet open.  These
    will be queued until the queue size limit (controlled by the
    :attr:`~kaa.IOChannel.queue_size` property) is reached, after which an
    exception will be raised.  The write queue will be written to the
    once it becomes writable.

    Reads are asynchronous and non-blocking, and may be performed using two
    possible approaches:

    def __init__(self, channel=None, mode=IO_READ|IO_WRITE,
chunk_size=1024*1024, delimiter='\n'):


Patrick Vergain

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