Thanks for feedback. Though I can't see any "awfulness" in your
image ;)  It's exactly the way it was designed to be. I don't like
docs that span max window available, lines are too long (on laptop/
desktop), makes it annoying to read. Plus I don't like having the
details of page TOC in master TOC, but I really dislike having the TOC
inline with the text. I suppose niceness is in the eye of the
beholder. I have no way of testing for PDA etc.

On Feb 8, 4:01 am, Roger Binns <> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Schollii wrote:
> > For those interested in a somewhat different layout than one of the
> > two default ones, I have played around with the layout.html and CSS
> > and the result can be seen at
> BTW that looks awful on my screen.  Only a small portion of the available
> space is taken up and there is a scrollbar in the content instead of using
> the available window space.  I've attached a screenshot to illustrate (very
> low quality jpg).
> Roger
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> iEYEARECAAYFAktvxOQACgkQmOOfHg372QRbdACfchU7utyi3WYuf+nx9IC5VaoH
> keAAn2yxVtj3M0AROLMi394D/1oqRtm0
> =hK6b
>  Screenshot.jpg
> 33KViewDownload

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