In the lastest trunk revision of Sphinx, when section numbers are turned on via:

 .. toctree::

They look like

 1. Section
   1.1. Subsection

In my opinion this looks ugly. I'd rather have:

 1  Section
   1.1  Subsection

Here's some changes that allow you to specify a custom section number
suffix just by adding the following line to the file:

 secnumber_suffix = u'\u00a0\u00a0'     #\u00a0 is non-break space

In sphinx/ add the following line somewhere inside the
config_values = dict() initialization:

 secnumber_suffix = ('. ', 'html'),   #By default, use original suffix.

In sphinx/writers/, make the following changes to class

    def __init__(self, builder, *args, **kwds):
        self.secnumber_suffix = builder.config.secnumber_suffix

    def visit_reference(self, node):
        if node.hasattr('secnumber'):
            self.body.append(('%s' + self.secnumber_suffix) %
                             '.'.join(map(str, node['secnumber'])))

    def add_secnumber(self, node):
        if node.hasattr('secnumber'):
            self.body.append('.'.join(map(str, node['secnumber'])) +
        elif isinstance(node.parent, nodes.section):
            anchorname = '#' + node.parent['ids'][0]
            if anchorname not in self.builder.secnumbers:
                anchorname = ''  # try first heading which has no anchor
            if anchorname in self.builder.secnumbers:
                numbers = self.builder.secnumbers[anchorname]
                self.body.append('.'.join(map(str, numbers)) +

In order to make the resulting HTML look better I found the following
CSS changes also helpful (assuming the "default" theme and
globaltoc.html in the sidebar):

 @import url("default.css");

 div.sphinxsidebar ul,
 div.sphinxsidebar ul.want-points {
   list-style: none;
   padding-left: 1.5em;

 div.sphinxsidebar ul ul,
 div.sphinxsidebar ul.want-points {
   list-style: none;
   padding-left: 0;

 div.sphinxsidebarwrapper li {
   text-indent: -2em;

 div.sphinxsidebar a.current {
  color: yellow;

With section numbering turned on, you really don't need bullets.
Unless you mess with the text-indent and padding-left, long section
titles wrap underneath the section numbers. The above CSS therefore
tries to simulate "hanging-indents".

Caveat: I've only tested on a few cases, and I'm not very familiar
with sphinx... but the changes work for me.

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