.. include:: /include.rst

in the file c:\docs\project\subdir\index.rst

looks for c:\include.rst instead of looking in the top source directory

Conversely, the image directive docs
(http://sphinx.pocoo.org/rest.html#images) say:

   .. image:: gnu.png

   When used within Sphinx, the file name given (here gnu.png) must
   either be relative to the source file, or absolute which means that
   they are relative to the top source directory. For example, the file
   sketch/spam.rst could refer to the image images/spam.png as
   ../images/spam.png or /images/spam.png.

So how can I include files that are in the "top source directory", no
matter how far down in the project hierarchy the current source file is?

(Given how simple it looks to be, perhaps I'll just implement
rst-prologue and avoid the whole include issue)

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