
Is there any way to link from logo in the side bar  of the
documenation OR from the relation bar to web address? (Currently from
any place in the docs, clicking on the logo or rel bar text takes you
to the main TOC.)

We are developing our project website (openmdao.org) and use Trac to
host our documentation and for bug tracking. On the main page, if
users click on the "Support" tab and then select "Docs," they go to
our Sphinx-generated documentation. (The docs open in the same
window.)  But the only way to get back to openmdao.org is via the
"back arrow." If users have been moving among the documents, it is not
so convenient.

So, we would like to link from the logo or rel bar (anywhere in the
docs) back to the Trac main page. Can this be done?


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