I started writing a tagging extension for my own site - I was thinging
of starting from the app.add_object_type method -
- and then generating overview pages with backlinks.

However, I then realised that the plain old index does everything I
want from tags, including a very nice overview page. Are you sure that
doesn't do what you want?


On Aug 15, 12:37 am, Jan Ulrich Hasecke <juhase...@googlemail.com>
> Am 13.08.2010 um 23:32 schrieb Kevin Horn:
> > .. tags:: foo, bar, baz
> > And to list all tags in the sphinxsidebar as clickable links which point to 
> > a page where all documents with the specified tag are listed alphabetically.
> > AFAIK, it's not currently possible to do anything like this, though I've 
> > also wanted something like this.
> > It's probably possible to do something like this in an extension, by 
> > creating a custom directive, and then writing hooks into the sphinx build 
> > system to compile the tags from various documents into a coherent whole.  
> > I've pondered doing this, but haven't managed to come up with the time yet.
> I'm not a programmer but I would think that the index directive would be a 
> good starting point for a tagging mechanism, because it takes all occurrences 
> of a word (or tag) into account and lists links to them on the index page. 
> Sphinx only needs to split up the index of tags into separate pages (one page 
> for each tag) and list on this page all occurrences of the tag as title 
> links. A validation process had to secure that the directive ..tags:: only 
> occurs one time in each file.
> Bear with me – I know it is not that easy. ;-)
> juh
>  smime.p7s
> 3KViewDownload

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