I was about to ask the same question as Chris: how to not show the raw restructured text in Sphinx's search results. If an html snippet can't be shown instead, can I customize the search results to only show the page heading name? (I found one site that does not show the restructured text, but shows the page's heading name instead: http://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/search.html?check_keywords=yes&area=default&q=install&x=0&y=0)

Any thoughts on this issue (showing html instead of rst in search results, or, not showing the rst snippet at all, just the heading)?


On 11-04-15 9:21 PM, Chris wrote:
I noticed that on the search result page, the snippets include the
markup used to identify various headings in the .rst files. shouldn't
these be hidden to the end user?

For example:


sphinx.ext.doctest – Test snippets in the documentation
.. highlight:: rest :mod:`sphinx.ext.doctest` -- Test snippets in the
=============================================================== ..
module:: sphinx.ext.doctest :synopsis: Test snippets in the
documentation. .. index...


Changes in Sphinx
:tocdepth: 2 .. _changes: Changes in Sphinx ***************** ..
include:: ../CHANGES...

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