On Monday, 21 November 2011 08:53:58 UTC, Rishi wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using Sphinx for writing a document on assembly level programming and 
> I must say that its the best tool for writing any documentation.
> I am facing a small issue here
> I have one piece of code which is as follows. This code is not getting 
> highlighted.
> ---------------------
> *; Printing 'A'*
> *.model small
> .data
> .code 
>     ; Set the data segment.
>     MOV AX, @DATA
>     MOV DS, AX
> ; We will move the ASCII value of 'A' in the DL register.
>     MOV DL, 41H
> ; We will move 02H in the AH register, this will ask int 21h to print a 
> single character.    
>     MOV AH, 02H
>     INT 21H
>     MOV AX, 4C00H
>     INT 21H
>     END**
> *-----------------------
> While when I changed the code to the following its getting highlighted 
> properly. I am not getting why is this happening. The only difference is 
> the bolded part.
> --------------------------
> *; Printing 'A' 
> .model small
>     ; Set the data segment.
>     assume cs:code, ds: data    
> ; We will move the ASCII value of 'A' in the DL register.
>     MOV DL, 41H 
> ; We will move 02H in the AH register, this will ask int 21h to print a 
> single character.   
>     MOV AH, 02H 
>     INT 21H 
>     MOV AX, 4C00H
>     INT 21H 
>     END **
> *----------------------------
> I tried uploading the code on the website http://pygments.org/ and found 
> that both the code are getting highlighted properly. 
> The version of pygments on the system is 
> * $ pygmentize -V
> Pygments version 1.3.1, (c) 2006-2008 by Georg Brandl.
> *
> Hello,

I am getting the same issue.

Has anyone found a solution to this? 



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