The perhaps unfortunate aspect of many of these "super doc" tools is that you either use the default output, or you *must* have an understanding of the underlying format to which they are converting. Yes, the \renewcommand is one approach, and if it's not working for you, I don't immediately know the exact "incantation" to help you. It works for me.

Put differently, exactly where to put the \renewcommand in the final TeX file, and how Sphinx puts the various pieces of the LaTeX document together are important pieces to know.

Suggestion: compile the document as normal, then take the generated *.tex and *.sty files, and munge them as appropriate (perhaps with help from Google, etc.) until you find the "magic incantation" that works. Hint:

pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode -output-directory="some/dir" file.tex

I find the -output-directory option especially helpful in keeping my input and output separate.

This has the two-fold benefit that you begin to learn some of the underlying format to which Sphinx is translating, and gets you to the point you want to be in terms of final output.

At 5:27am -0400 Fri, 03 Aug 2012, CTM wrote:
I have the same question.

On Wednesday, March 14, 2012 7:12:59 PM UTC+1, Iain Duncan wrote:

I've been googling this to no avail, I'd like to get my sphinx output
suitable for some business reports that don't need the words 'Chapter'
in them, just numerals.  I did find a reference to inserting this
command into my latex preamble:


but I couldn't get it to have any effect. I tried inserting it
directly in to the tex file too. Does anyone know how how to eliminate
the english words in the chapter headings?


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