Hi all --

How are folks generating PDF via LaTeX on Windows? I have Sphinx and
MikTex installed but that still leaves me stuck with how to execute the
Makefile that is generated as part of the latex build. Is there a
straightforward way to do this without installing cygwin? Is there a
minimum subset of GNU tools that need to be installed on a Windows 7
machine to minimally be able to build the LaTeX into PDF?



We use Windows for our Sphinx projects. Here is the short list of the
steps we use to get started. I can send the full document (with screen
shots & detailed descriptions) if you like (please provide your direct
email). It may be Step 4 that you need to do. I've provided the details
for Step 4 below the bulleted list.

Setup required
.       LaTeX (Step 1)
pdflatex on Linux / MiKTeX for Windows (MiKTeX shown in these
.       Python (Step 2)
.       Python setuptools (Step 3)
.       Set path (Step 4)
.       Sphinx documentation generation software (Step 5)
.       Text editor (with syntax highlighting for reStructured Text
recommended)  (Step 6)
Sublime Text 2 for Windows was used for these instructions (also available
for Linux)
.       Install any additional extensions required (see Section II).


Details for Step 4:

Step 4: Set Path
1.      Open Control Panel
2.      Search for 'System' using the Search field in the  upper-right
corner, and choose option:
'Edit the system environment variables'
3.      Click 'Environment Variables.' (in lower-right corner)
4. Add a new environment variable called 'PATH'

NOTE: This step assumes that there is not one set for this user. Example
shows only TEMP and TMP has variables set).

Click 'New.' under the 'User variables for (username)' and use values
shown below.

Variable name: PATH
Variable value:
C:\Python27;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Program Files (x86)\MiKTeX

Click OK in each screen to save settings.

NOTE: The 'Variable value' shown assumes only default settings were chosen
during the installation setup of software.


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