
* cornelius <cornelius.koel...@lsexperts.de> [09.10.2012 19:15]:
> Any idea how I can have subsections on distinct html pages?

I would recommend to create a new folder for the large section. In your case,
the file ``mytopic.rst`` is grown to large, so create a folder ``mytopic`` and
move the file ``mytopic.rst`` to ``mytopic/index.rst``. Don't forget to change
this path in the ``index.rst``-file of the main directory (substitute
``mytopic.rst`` with ``mytopic/index.rst`` there).

In the subdirectory ``mytopic``, you can easily take contents out of the
``index.rst``-file and put them in separate files -- for example, each
"subsection" in a new file. Create a toc-tree in the ``mytopic/index.rst``
file and just link to the appropiate files then.

You can start each file with a section header. When including it via a toc-tree,
Sphinx turns the section types to the fitting depth. 

If you don't use a separate source-directory (question no.2 when using
sphinx-quickstart), you can even copy your ``Makefile`` and your ``_static``-
and ``_templates``-folders to create a new full-featured "sub-project" which
can be build on its own.. ;-)



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