Dear Jean-François,

thank you very much for the thoroughly enlightening explanations!

For me, this signifies that I have quite some cleaning up to do. But at 
least now I know the right way (or better two 'right ways') to do so. And I 
am so glad that I can get rid of these double escapes :)

In the meantime I stumbled accross another problem. The fancy footers we 
defined in latex are not getting applied to the index page.

I tried with giving options to the 'printindex' command in the conf file. 
But this is going to be the same 'issue' as with giving complex options 
through 'sphinxsetup'. It doesn't work this way.

I am not yet run out of ideas how to try, but if you are willing to give a 
hint, how this would be done correctly - I am very happy.

In any case many thanks for your quick reply and kind explanations, it is 
going to direct my efforts during the next hours,


On Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at 2:30:35 PM UTC+2, jfbu wrote:
> Hi 
> Le 09/05/2018 à 11:13, Julian Meier a écrit : 
> > Dear Sphinx Team, 
> > 
> > Thank you for providing sphinx. 
> > 
> > I am tring to get our latex class and sphinx conf work with sphinx 1.7 
> > instead of sphinx 1.5. 
> > 
> > I am almost there, but the latex_elements = {... 'preamble' gets larger 
> and 
> > larger because I am not succeeding in defining the titleformats (color 
> and 
> > font) in our custum latex class - it seems to get overruled by sphinx. 
> > 
> > An example of a defined title is (extract from latex preamble in sphinx 
> > conf): 
> > 
> '\\titleformat{{\\subsection}}{{\\fontsize{{14}}{{20}}\\fontspec{{MyriadPro-Bold}}\\addfontfeature{{Color=Pantone123C}}}}{{\\thesubsection}}{{0.5em}}{{}}\n'
> > '\\titlespacing{{\\subsection}}{{-32mm}}{{*4}}{{-0.3mm}}\n' 
> > 
> > Now, to my question. 
> > 
> > Which is the recommended way to define custom titles, headers and 
> footers? 
> > 
> > - Definition in custom class file using correct statements (there I got 
> > some problems) 
> > - Definition in the sphinx latex_elements preamble as 'pure' 
> latex 
> > - Definition in the sphinx using 'sphinxsetup' 
> > 
> > I hope i provided all the necessary details for you to make a 
> > recommandation. 
> > 
> > Many thanks, 
> > 
> > Julian 
> > 
> > 
> 1. Things done from sphinx style file 
> will override things done in a custom class 
> file. The class file is loaded first by LaTeX and 
> `\usepackage{sphinx}` gets executed later. 
> 2. The 'sphinxsetup' is only interface to some customization handled 
> by the options of sphinx.sty, e.g. to modify the page margins 
> or the  colours for various elements (everything was hardcoded 
> in earlier Sphinx releases). You can only customize pre-defined 
> (and documented) options 
> 3. To do things like custom `titleformat`'s or anything beyond 
> a few lines, the recommended way (for easier maintenance and to avoid 
> bloating 
> is to set-up a custom LaTeX package mypackage.sty and then 
> use latex_elements 
> 'preamble' key to contain `r'\usepackage{mypackage}'`. You will also need 
> to add 'mypackage.sty' to the latex_additional_files config value, if 
> file mypackage.sty is not installed globally in your TeX installation, 
> but only present at top of source repertory of your Sphinx project. 
> It will then be copied over to build repertory. 
> cf 
> A file mypackage.sty  is simply a collection of tex macros with 
> an extra `\ProvidesPackage{mypackage}[2018/05/09 v1 my own macros]` line 
> at top. The @ letter can be used in it. To load more packages from therein 
> use `\RequirePackage{foo}`, not `\usepackage{foo}`. 
> Alternative is to put all macros in a file mymacros.tex.txt, 
> update latex_additional_files accordingly and add 
> `r''' 
> \makeatletter 
> \input{mymacros.tex.txt} 
> \makeatother'''` 
> to 'preamble' key of latex_elements. The `.txt` extension is to 
> avoid confusing the LaTeX Makefile, it does not cause problem 
> to `\input`. The `\makeatletter/\makeatother` is in case "@" letter 
> is used in the macros included mymacros.tex.txt 
> In both cases: don't double escape 
> the backslashes inside the files as they get parsed by LaTeX directly 
> with no Python in-between. 
> Jean-François 

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