On Sphinx 2.x, I want to put a content that changes depending on the output 

In any source document, say, index.rst, add the following lines:

.. role:: pdf(raw)
   :format: pdf

.. role:: latex(raw)
   :format: latex

.. role:: html(raw)
   :format: html

.. |foo| replace::

I am |foo|

I expect it shows *"I am HTML!"* when the output format is in HTML, *"I am 
LaTeX!"* if it's LaTeX (even after converting the product to PDF via 
pdflatex) and *"I am PDF!"* if it's PDF.

I make the HTML version using make html and I see only *"I am HTML!"* in a 
web browser as I expect:

[image: A make html result] <https://i.stack.imgur.com/rRHCc.png>

Install rst2pdf. Put the following lines in conf.py:

extensions = [

pdf_documents = [(
    u'Test Title',
    u'Sarah Author')]

Make the PDF version with

sphinx-build -b pdf ./source/ ./build/

I see *"I am PDF! LaTeX! HTML!"* that includes all the three items.

[image: An rst2pdf result] <https://i.stack.imgur.com/XRMbx.png>

Is there any way to get either *"I am PDF!"* or *"I am LaTeX!"* in the PDF 


   - Before reporting this behavior as a bug, someone help me check if it's 
   unexpected behavior or as-designed.
   - This question is derived from the other I asked earlier: StackOverflow: 
   "Sphinx: Use a different directive for a different output format". 
   - This question is from StackOverflow: "Sphinx rst2pdf and role 
   directives" <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60444185>.

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