Le 27/03/2020 à 16:44, 'Vinay Sajip' via sphinx-users a écrit :
I have some examples in my documentation of Unicode text characters \u2603 and 
\U0001F602. These appear fine in the HTML documentation, but I'm having trouble 
getting them to appear in PDF output generated using the latexpdf builder. I've 
set the utf8extra key in latex_elements to define the characters (using 
DeclareUnicodeCharacter) but nothing appears in the final PDF output for the 

I'm using Sphinx 1.6.7 and the build completes with warnings but no errors (on 
Sphinx 2.x, the LateX build fails, but I haven't had time to shave that 
particular yak). The .tex file just contains the utf-8 encoded characters.

What do I need to do to get arbitrary Unicode characters (in this case, they 
happen to be emojis) to appear in LaTeX/PDF output?

Hi, you need suitable font. If leaving latex_engine to its default "pdflatex", 
you typically will need your \DeclareUnicodeCharacter to do a suitable \selectfont and 
also select the correct slot among 255 in the font, and you probably need some font 
package loaded in the preamble which provides the suitable glyph.

If using "xelatex" as latex_engine, the document font (by default GNU FreeFont) 
perhaps already has a glyph for that Unicode slot and you have nothing to do. Perhaps try 
with DejaVu as other font. Else a similar procedure can be done with 
\usepackage{newunicodechar}, using some \newfontfamily (fontspec documentation), and then 
\newunicodechar here also with some \selectfont.

Notice that a recent LaTeX distribution will incorporate the noto-emoji font 
However if I understand correctly xetex does not support color emojis (I am not 
sure about this, finding fonts from xelatex/lualatex with fontspec always has 
quirks, and maybe something is wrong in my locale set-up), but luahbtex does.


With soon available TeXLive2020, luatex will be luahbtex, i.e. use the HarfBuzz 

I tested this at home

\newunicodechar{☃}{{\NotoEmoji ☃}}
This ☃ that
% Local Variables:
% TeX-engine: lualatex
% End:

and it works. (with pretest of TeXLive 2020).

The whole point of the \newunicodechar, is that as far as I know, that is the 
only more or less simple way to let a Unicode codepoint like ☃ trigger usage of 
appropriate font.

These are the additional elements to add to the latex preamble.
\newunicodechar{☃}{{\NotoEmoji ☃}}

This method is a bit lying ahead in future. If you use a LaTeX distribution not 
from future but from very recent past, then you need luahblatex or lualatex-dev.

See also


but this uses an image for each emoji, so they can't be copied-pasted as 
Unicode from PDF.

good luck

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