I like to put macro definitions at the top of my latex files. It seems that 
sphinx generates empty vertical space when I do this in rst files. Attached 
is a conf.py and index.rst file that demonstrates this problem:

Is there some place I can put a set of latex macro definitions and not have 
this problem ?

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# For conf.py documentation see
# http://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/config
project   = 'latex_space'
extensions = [
exclude_patterns = [
    '_build', 'Thumbs.db', '.DS_Store',
:math:`\newcommand{\B}[1]{{\bf #1}}`

Vertical Space After Latex Command
I often put macros definitions at the top of my latex files; e.g,
I have put the following definition at the top of this rst file:

| \:math\: \`\\newcommand{\\B}[1]{{\\bf #1}}\`

This latex command has no output, but it causes more white space to be placed
before the title in the html version of this file (as generated by sphinx).
If you delete the first line of this file (which containts the latex command)
the title in the html version will move up.

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