I've done some progress on my implementation. There are good news and bad 
news :)

I've managed to implement a snake_case/PascalCase conversion role for 
literal blocks (``like_this`` is replaced by 
:snakepascal:`like_this;;LikeThis`). The associated JavaScript and CSS code 
I've developed works great too.
However, I haven't managed to replicate the same role for "reference" 
links. Here's the code snippet that defines the :snakepascal-ref: role I'm 
trying to create:

def snakepascal_reference_role(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, 
    if "<" in text:
        # Manually named reference
        refid = text.split("<")[1].split(">")[0]
        # Automatically named reference
        refid = text

    node = nodes.reference(rawtext, text, refid=refid, classes=[
"snakepascal"], **options)
    return [node], []


     Manually named reference: :snakepascal-ref:`

     Automatically named reference: :snakepascal-ref:`

I thought setting the `refid` parameter would make Sphinx find the 
reference automatically like it does with the :ref: role, but it seems to 
just create a literal hash-link. I want to use the same reference 
acquisition logic as Sphinx itself so I don't have to type out internal 
documentation URLs fully.

(At the end of the day, I just want to associate a custom CSS class to the 
reference link so it can be used from JavaScript.)

See the work I've started in this branch: 

On Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 4:30:52 PM UTC+2 Hugo Locurcio wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm one of the main contributors to Godot's documentation. I'm looking at 
> developing a Sphinx extension to make a documentation page switchable 
> between snake_case and PascalCase syntax for method references (which are 
> links) and *inline* code. (We've already got multiline code samples covered 
> by the sphinx-tabs extension.)
> See this issue on the godot-docs repository: 
> https://github.com/godotengine/godot-docs/issues/828
> For example, I have a page like this: 
> https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_node.html
> I want to add a button on the page that switches between snake_case 
> (GDScript) and PascalCase (C#) syntax for all methods/properties on the 
> page. I've looked at writing a  Sphinx extension, but I don't know if you 
> can expose new "inline blocks" like :ref: or :kbd: which are built-in.
> For inline code samples, we currently do this:
>     To enable processing, call the ``set_process(true)`` method.
> I'd imagine we would have to create a custom syntax like this (GDScript on 
> the left, C# on the right):
>     To enable processing, call the 
> :code:`set_process(true);;SetProcess(true)` method.
> (The double semicolon separator is just an example, but we need to use 
> something we'll never use for other purposes in inline code samples.)
> As for method references, we currently use this:
>     :ref:`_physics_process<class_Node_method__physics_process>`
> For this case, I think it would be enough to use a custom inline block 
> that behaves like :ref:, but tells the JavaScript side that the syntax 
> should be switched depending on the user preference:
>      :coderef:`_physics_process<class_Node_method__physics_process>`
> I don't think we can run the syntax-switching logic on every link in the 
> page, as there would be many false positives. The same goes for inline 
> code, since parts of the Godot API are always snake_case, even when using 
> C#.
> As for the syntax switching itself, it will be done using JavaScript code 
> (which I can write myself). Therefore, my question is only about being able 
> to clearly identify the text whose syntax must be changed.
> Thanks in advance for answering :)
> Hugo Locurcio

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