I was invoking sphinx-apidoc from the command line, and all was working.

We modified our build system and now sphinx is being called from a python 
script.  That parts looks like this:

from sphinx.ext.apidoc import main as apidoc_main
apidoc_main(['-q', '-f', '-e', '-M', '--implicit-namespaces', '-o', 'modules',
                     os.path.join('..', 'devkit'),
                     os.path.join('..', 'devkit', 'tests')])

It generates the API rsts, BUT it doesn't call setup() in conf.py, as 
evidenced by a print statement I put in there. sphinx-build does call setup.py 
when called in a similar manner.

What is the best way to debug why setup.py isn't being called by sphinx-


Joshua J. Kugler - Fairbanks, Alaska - jos...@azariah.com
Azariah Enterprises - Programming and Website Design
PGP Key: http://pgp.mit.edu/  ID 0x68108cbb73b13b6a

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