
I'm the maintainer of sphinx-collections and ohh yes, there was no update 
since a couple of time.
Also the docs have no "installation" part. Sorry for this.

So here a quick "how to install and use it":

   1. pip install sphinx-collections (or install from github project)
   2. Add "'sphinxcontrib.collections'" to "extensions" for your conf.py 
   file. See [1] for an example.
   3. Create a "collection" for git [2]:
   collections = { 'my_files': { 'driver': 'git', 'source': 
   'https://username:passw...@github.com/company/my_repo', } }
   Hint: Not sure if the auth part will really works like this for private 
   4. Create a rst file and use the files from the repo in folder "
   E.g. ".. image:: /_collections/my_files/_static/project-logo.png"
   5. Build the project: 
   1. cd docs
      2. make html
   6. Sphinx-Collections will checkout/pull the repo and store the files 
   under "_collections/my_files".
   Then Sphinx starts its wonderful work.
   7. Done
I hope this already helps.

If not or you find any bugs, feel free to open an issue on the 
sphinx-collections bug tracker [3].


[1] https://github.com/useblocks/sphinx-collections/blob/master/docs/conf.py
[2] https://sphinx-collections.readthedocs.io/en/latest/drivers/git.html
[3] https://github.com/useblocks/sphinx-collections/issues

aki...@gmail.com schrieb am Montag, 1. November 2021 um 18:24:18 UTC+1:

> Hi There,
> The basic problem I am having is that I have docs in several different 
> projects in a private Gitlab.  I have started writing my docs in a project 
> called "docs" and really don't want to remove the docs from where they are 
> now (with their code) into my project.  
> I think I have found something here which should work:
> https://sphinx-collections.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
> The thing is, I have no idea how to use it or install it.  Also, it is in 
> beta and has not been updated.  Is there any other way?  Google'ing pointed 
> me to people saying use "include" but I have no idea what that means.  
> thanks in advance for any help

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