Hi sphinx-users,
maybe I have a weird requirements or more like a question whether the 
following is possible using sphinx.
I'm using Python code to define testcases using a predefined testing 
framework (pyATS).

So within this framework, test cases are defined as Python classes with 
multiple test steps as methods within this class. Example

class myTestCase1(aetest.Testcase):
  def myTestStep1(self):
     #... Test code
  def myTestStep2(self):
     #... Test code
class myTestCase2(aetest.Testcase): 
# ...

So I don't really need to document classes in the usual way, because there 
are no arguments etc. It's more like a container class.

What I like to achive is a "human readable" Test Case documentation from 
the code.
If using the example from above:
class myTestCase1(aetest.Testcase):
  ''' myTestCase1
  :test-purpose: The purpose of this test is to check whether spiderman is 
  :test-environment: Please refer to <LINK>
  :test-description: Ask 100 people if spiderman is cool
  :test-expected-results: At least 51 people think that spiderman is cool
  def myTestStep1(self):
     #... Test code
  def myTestStep2(self):
     #... Test code
class myTestCase2(aetest.Testcase): 
# ...

Hope you get the point... So I want to generate a document (preferably a 
markdown document) based on a jinja2 template, where I can access the 
definitions from above like :test-description: 

Is something like this achivable using sphinx?

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