
(please excuse the chaotic style - I basically re-wrote my IRC messages 
into an e-mail)

I'm thinking of implementing a Sphinx extension, but first wanted to make 
sure I'm not duplicating effort. It would be a variant of sphinx.ext.todo 
but with multiple topics - something that would allow the user to mix 
documentation and code via sphinx.ext.autodoc, having Sphinx reassemble it 
to per-topic pages.

Right now when you're writing sphinx documentation, you basically have two 
realms: the actual documentation and API reference. They don't seem 
intersect much, which feels like a wasted opportunity to me. Instead, imagine 
being able to put in your source code something like:

 .. about topic=topicName 

...and then add some content, which is going to end up under a new 
documentation page as a bullet list. My idea is inspired by literate 
programming - I feel that it would allow the developer to avoid duplicating 
pieces of information and keep the code and its documentation in sync. So 
far I spent some time searching the web and found nothing similar - there's 
sphinx-litprog [1], but it feels backwards - I'd like to embed 
documentation in code, not the other way round.

Assuming that sphinx.ext.todo can be put in sphinx.ext.autodoc, I think 
that I should be able to land a proof of concept relatively quickly, but 
the ultimate result I'd like to achieve is something a bit further from 
bullet lists. Instead, I'd prefer having paragraphs and a bit of control 
about how they're ordered. For example,  I'd like to be able to name notes and 
say things like "let's call this note B. it should be placed between note B 
and C", or "this note should be put somewhere in the beginning/end of that 
topic page".

What do you think? Does the idea sound clear enough? Does it sound like 
something that was already tried? If not, could it be because there's some 
fundamental flaw in it? It sounds like a tool that would be useful to me, 
but perhaps there's something major that I'm missing.


[1] https://sphinx-litprog.readthedocs.io/en/stable/

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