Le 16/05/2022 à 18:58, Phil Carter a écrit :
     I am very much a Python newbie, but am having reasonable success learning the basic rudiments of Python using Pyto on my iPad. But I am having a problem with one aspect of creating/editing my code via my iPad touchscreen.      Almost every time I use the iPad touchscreen to edit my code, a small message window superimposes itself on the screen, blocking my view of the part of the code I’m trying to edit. See attached screenshot with an example of what I’m dealing with (i.e., P end=, P file=, end=, *no doc string*.) I can’t seem to find out what these messages mean, what I’m suppose to do about them, and how I can swipe them out of the way so I can carry on with my editing. Or, ultimately, set an option that stops them from appearing at all.      One additional problem is that Pyto supposedly auto-closes or freezes while I try various things to edit while my view is blocked by the message window. My only work around with this is to close Pyto and re-open the file I’m still trying to edit and run.      I understand that Sphinx is the default text editor built into the version of Pyto on my iPad. I hope to find out, through this user forum, if my problem is due to my iPad’s keyboard and/or GUI in association with Sphinx.Or if there’s something else going on with my setup that I need to know about (such as, should I use my Apple Pencil, instead of finger touch, for editing code?!)  Any advice is much appreciated? In the meantime, are there any user-friendly bulletins, or user guides,  or user manuals that could clarify what I’m seeing, and how to deal with it?
*Thank you … Phil Carter*

Sphinx is not a text editor ... At least not the Sphinx
we're talking about here. This Sphinx is a documentation
writing tool (https://www.sphinx-doc.org/). Try asking
at Pyto?


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