Hi all, 

I finally decided to give a try to the gtk version of spice client. First, I 
have to say that I'm quite impressed (and I understand why it tends to become 
the baseline client).
Still, there is one bug that I would consider blocking (as far as I'm 
concerned) : I'm pretty used to the "Ctrl+W" combination to close windows, 
firefox or eclipse tabs, etc... However, is it expected that it is grabbed by 
the client itself (i.e. not the guest) and that pressing Ctrl+W closes the 
whole client window?
I would expect the following : if focus is on toolbar, menu, etc, Ctrl+W closes 
the client, while if focus is on the guest (i.e. mouse over the canvas), the 
Ctrl+W is sent along to the guest, and spicy client doesn't close.

Thanks for taking that into account if possible!

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