Hi John,
See my comments below.

John A. Sullivan III wrote:
Hello, all.  Being a Windows ignoramus, I am having a nightmare of a
time compiling the Windows client on our Windows 7 build system.  I'll
recount them for other ignorami and to ask for help for the things I
could not figure out.

I installed the Windows SDK 7.1 and it installed without compilers
because we had .net 3.5 installed.  I installed 4.0 and reinstalled the
SDK and I know had compilers.

Currently, the only supported environment for Spice windows client compilation is Visual Studio 2008.
To use our precompiled libraries (wspice) use version 9.0.30729.1 SP.
There might be problems with the libs if you use other VS versions.
The build instructions under Windows say, "The prerequisites are
available as binaries in one package on the download page." However, I
did not see such a binary on the download page.

I downloaded spice-0.8.1, spice-protocol-0.8.0, and wspice-x64_20110308.
You have downloaded everything needed for building the client.
In addition you need to have Python (2.7+) & pyparsing installed.
"The prerequisites available as binaries..." is wspice.
I then did:

setenv /Release /x64 /win7

set REDC_BUILD_DIR=D:\Binaries\x64\Win7
set SPICE_PROTOCOL_DIR=C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\spice
set SPICE_LIBS=C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\wspice-x64_08032011

I would prefer other locations for the files...
but if C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads is fine for you, it's ok for me.
cd \Users\Administrator\Downloads\spice\spice-0.8.1\client\windows

It had no idea of what to do with the file - no association.
VS will open it
Some Internet research, reading the SDK Release Notes, and a little
while later and I did:
msbuild -p:platform=X64 redc.sln

It complained that it could not find vcbuild.exe.
We have never built it with msbuild or vcbuild.exe.
If you want to build using VS from cmd line, use something like:
devenv.exe redc.sln /build "Release|x64"
Some more research and I found that the 7.1 SDK uses msbuild and that it
takes a different syntax than vcbuild.  It provides vcupgrade to convert
the .vcproj files into .vcxproj files but does not convert /sln files.
devenv does but that is not in the SDK and must be included with the
full Visual Basic I am guessing.  So, the instructions said to manually
edit the .sln files to use 2010 instead of 2008 and reference .vcxproj
files instead of .vcproj files.  So, I ran vcupgrade on redc.vcproj,
edited redc.sln and tried again.  Same failure message about

I guess it won't work this way, or it will take too much time to make it work.
I then looked more closely at the .sln file and it looked like it was
merely specifying the build environment options which are no longer
necessary with msbuild using the -p:platform= parameter (or so I read)
so I tried to simply do msbuild -p:platform=X64 redc.vcxproj.  That
complained about not finding python.  So it looks like python is called
in generate.bat.  I installed python and it failed again - python was
not in the path.  So I added it to the path, opened an new SDK shell and
tried again.  Now I get:

-p:platform=X64 redc.vcxproj
Microsoft (R) Build Engine Version 4.0.30319.1
[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 4.0.30319.1]
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 2007. All rights reserved.

Build started 7/4/2011 8:07:48 PM.
 on node 1 (default targets).
  Touching "D:\Binaries\x64\Win7\X64\Release\redc.unsuccessfulbuild".
  Generating demarshaller
    File "..\..\spice_codegen.py", line 200
      print "No changes to %s" % dest_file
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax
    File "..\..\spice_codegen.py", line 200
      print "No changes to %s" % dest_file
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(1
51,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\Users\Administrator\Dow
Done Building Project "C:\Users\Administrator\Downloads\spice\spice-0.8.1\clien
t\windows\redc.vcxproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.


" (default target) (1) ->
(CustomBuild target) ->
  C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets
(151,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 1. [C:\Users\Administrator\D

    0 Warning(s)
    1 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:00.65

I'm assuming the code is correct and I have done something wrong.  How
do I compile the Windows client in my environment? Thanks - John

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