On Thu, 2012-01-19 at 10:49 +0200, Arnon Gilboa wrote:
> Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> > Just to inform that as the host is a laptop, this morning I booted it
> > again and now the w7 vm works, even if not so stably (sometimes in
> > minutes  I have to restart agent because it is seen as running by
> > windows but copy/paste doesn't work any more).
> >   
> Please send the qemu log of a run where cut&paste breaks.
> Do you see the following lines when it happens:
> dispatch_vdi_port_data: invalid port
> handle_dev_input: mouse mode 1
> Are you using usb tablet in qemu? pls send the qemu cmd line.
> > And in winobj indeed I can see the device yesterday I didn't see.
> > Tried two reboots and it worked from the beginning in both cases.
> > Only difference from yesterday boot is that now I'm only connected
> > wirelessly while yesterday I had a network cable plugged in, so I
> > think no difference at all from qemu/kvmlibvirt/spice point of view
> > (perhaps)
> >   
> That's strange. Maybe a reboot was needed to update the guest according 
> to qemu new hardware?
Or we are hitting some sort of timing issue.
> > Let me know if you would like some kind of messages from yesterday or
> > today to compare them...
> >   
> Please send vdservice.log & vdagent.log from both the successful & 
> failed runs.

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