
----- Original Message -----
> Probably the function of copying has three defects:
> i)For some languages,there is a mis-encoding of file name
> I have solved by myself...(under some circumstance)

Yeah, I remember your patch, but you didn't follow up, right? Are you still 
working on this?

> ii)Can't drag multi-files
> I'm glad to see the following in source code:
>  /* At the moment, the copy() method is limited to a single file,
>        support for copying multi-files will be implemented later. */
>     g_return_if_fail(sources[1] == NULL);
> iii)But, it doesn't support for drag folder
> Is there TODO I don't find? Or any ideas about solution?

Imho, dragging files/folder shouldn't be done via a Spice "copy" protocol. 
Instead, Spice should learn to implement drag and drop. Afaik this should be 
doable, but nobody worked on it.

Otoh, you might be interested in the sharing folder functionality. It allows 
you to have a folder on the client mounted/visible directly in the guest. From 
there copy will work like a regular guest operation, with guest UI etc. This 
function is mostly ready, and I will submit a new patch this week (I'll add you 
in CC). 
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