
On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 11:47:56AM -0500, Derek Lesho wrote:
> On 10/31/19 11:04 AM, Victor Toso wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 10:56:59AM -0500, Jeremy White wrote:
> > > Hey Victor,
> > > 
> > > On 10/31/19 10:46 AM, Victor Toso wrote:
> > > > Hi list,
> > > > 
> > > > You might note that the Gitlab activity will increase a bit
> > > > from now on, hopefully. It was agreed within some SPICE
> > > > collaborators to give a serious try on using this
> > > > infrastructure that is available to us.
> > > > 
> > > > One potential great change and challenge is the usage of
> > > > merge requests in oppose to patch series over mailing list. I
> > > > hope the benefits outweigh the downsides in the long run.
> > > Derek has been working on a utility to integrate GitLab and a
> > > mailing list, for experimentation by Wine.
> > > 
> > > He's just gotten to the point of being ready to try a proof of
> > > concept.
> > > Would you guys be interested in this?
> > What does it do exactly?
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Victor
> Hi Victor,
> The bridge sends all the commits from merge-requests in patch
> form to the mailing list, as well as any comments the MR
> receives.

Cool. It works with specific user in gitlab as sender? This seems
nice, somewhat similar to spice-commits. I'd say great to have

> It also creates MRs from PATCH submissions to the mailing
> list.

Also seems fine but can be confusing. In regards to ownership,
the sender must have a Gitlab account or a generic user creates
the MR?

> The goal with this is to ensure the developers who are
> accustomed to using either system aren't isolated from
> developers using the other.  Optionally, the bridge can be
> configured to allow people to respond to the generated MRs and
> patch-sets, however this is disabled by default since it can be
> confusing based on the differences between email threads and
> GitLab discussions.

Personally, the patch review being done in Gitlab would be best
also for the sake of integration around it (e.g: one topic of
review is solved you have the 'resolve thread', the diff between
versions, probably more).

Having the comments of reviews being sent to mailing-list can
also be confusing if replying to that in email does not get
propagated back to Gitlab but if explicit says something like
"don't reply", it looks great as mentioned above.

But this is all just my opnion. The rationale for using more
Gitlab is for several reasons. If you like the idea and using
this seems a must, I'm all in to give it a try :)


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