A While ago there was someone who mentioned a link to a company that makes Minilite replica wheels for Spitfires in a variety of different sizes.
Since I am now in the process of reinventing Tiny Tim into a Street car, I want to acquire a new set of larger (both diameter and width) wheels so that I can shoe it with much more aggressive rubber to handle the 240 HP of the Honda engine. Any links would be appreciated. Regards, Joe *** http://www.team.net/the-local *** Your messages not reaching the list? Check out http://www.team.net/posting.html *** unsubscribe/change address requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or try *** http://www.team.net/cgi-bin/majorcool *** http://www.team.net/mailman/listinfo *** Archives at http://www.team.net/archive *** Edit your replies!