On 25 May 2011, banks-mich...@zai.com wrote:

> I'm still getting up to speed, but I did find one thing that I think
> may be a bug, and wanted to bring it up.

> I've tried to make a minimal code sample that exhibits this behavior.
> I'll append it below.

> Many thanks for any pointers.  I have a few other strange behaviors
> I'm seeing, but those I'm still running to ground to make sure it
> isn't just my lack of understanding of Splint's memory model.

Most likely it is a bug.  The structure of splint is ok at checking
simple functions.  However, it mixes YACC and Lex production rules with
source code checking.  It is easy to miss something in one of these
rules and having 'if stmt;' differ from 'if { stmt;}'.  Sometime
changing these thing might break parsing.

Dr Evan's has made suggestions about how to better handle this.  Source
analysis should be done on an intermediate structure and not directly at
the lexing/parsing layer.

More to the point, many people have noted that splint is not good at
handling complex functions.  This is due to the way it is structured.
There are many other issues that need to be fixed.  However, this one is
probably part of a bigger issue. 

You can submit your findings to the bugs on source forge.


It is more likely that other people will find it there.

Bill Pringlemeir.

Yow!  Legally-imposed CULTURE-reduction is CABBAGE-BRAINED!
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