Hello there,

We are currently using Splint to do static analysis on the code generated by 
RTW from Simulink models. There are some preprocessing code auto generated to 
error out the compiling process when certain conditions are true, usually 
boundary checks. Splint was not able to preprocess and produce errors. I 
attached one of them below. We are wondering if anybody else ever reported 
similar issues and if Splint works fine with auto generated code. Thanks for 
your answer.                  - Shelley

C:\...\ HVCM_private.h (35,
    440): #error "Code was generated for compiler with different sized
    ushort/short. Consider adjusting Emulation Hardware word size settings on
    the Hardware Implementation pane to match your compiler word sizes as
    defined in the compilers limits.h header file. Alternatively, you can
    select 'None' for Emulation Hardware and select the 'Enable portable word
    sizes' option for ERT based targets, this will disable the preprocessor
    word size checks."
Preprocessing error. (Use -preproc to inhibit warning)

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