Bryan -

Where I work, we have a coding standard that a pointer to malloced 
memory that is freed be set to NULL afterwards. That way, if somebody 
attempts to dereference said pointer, they will at least get a 
segmentation violation. I tried it on your example, and it seems to make 
splint happy as well. Just insert the line "*newdev = NULL;" after the 


On 05/18/2012 09:36 AM, Bryan Evenson wrote:
> I have a function that I'm getting a warning and I'm not sure how deal with 
> the issue.  Here's a rundown of the function:
> static int create_device(const char_t* readLine, sDevices **newDev, int 
> *state)
> {
>       Int retVal = RET_SUCCESS;
>       *newDev = malloc(sizeof(sDevices));
>       If(*newDev != NULL)
>       {
>               (*newDev)->data = malloc(sizeof(sPrivateData));
>               If((*newDev)->data == NULL)
>               {
>                       free(*newDev);
>                       retVal = RET_MEM_ERR;
>               }
>       }
>       else
>       {
>               retVal = RET_MEM_ERR;
>       }
>       return retVal;
> }
> In summary I have a struct sDevices which in turn has a member sPrivateData* 
> data.  This function allocates memory for newDev and also for newDev->data.  
> If the second memory allocation fails, the whole thing is not useful to me so 
> I deallocate all memory related to newDev.
> Here's the contents of my .splintrc file (I started with -weak and I'm slowly 
> adding checks in so I only have a few to worry about at a time):
> +unix-lib
> +enumindex
> +trytorecover
> -onlytrans
> -dependenttrans
> -branchstate
> -mustfreeonly
> -unreachable
> -nullstate
> -unrecog
> -nullpass
> -temptrans
> -mustfreefresh
> -fullinitblock
> -compmempass
> -compdef
> -type
> -globstate
> -D__signed__=signed
> With this, I get the following warning from Splint:
> Released storage *newDev reachable from parameter at return point
>    Memory is used after it has been released (either by passing as an only 
> param
>    or assigning to an only global). (Use -usereleased to inhibit warning)
> > From my understanding, Splint is warning me that *newDev may or may not 
> > point to valid memory upon exit of the function.  I know that, and I know 
> > that it's the duty of the caller of create_device to verify that the 
> > function was successful before attempting to access newDev.  I've tried 
> > annotating the newDev parameter in the function declaration as various 
> > combinations of /*@out@*/, /*@null@*/ and anything else that seems relavant 
> > and nothing has removed the warning (without creating a new one).  If I'm 
> > understanding correctly, Splint needs to be told that I know *newDev and 
> > *newDev->data may or may not be defined upon exit of the function.  Any 
> > pointers on how to do that?
> Thanks,
> Bryan
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