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These loggings were submitted to the Spy Numbers Station Database on 2004-01-11 by Tom 
Norris, Tullahama TN.

    Freq ENIGMA Day   MMDDYYYY  UTC  Mode Comments     
-------- ------ --- ---------- ---- ----- --------------------     
   11545     E3 Sat   01102004 1517   USB vry weak sig     
   13375     E3 Sat   01102004 1525   USB vry weak     
   16337        Sat   01102004 1525   USB short multitone bursts     
    5771     V2 Sat   01102004 1535    AM V2, really     
    8588        Sat   01102004 1600   USB slot machine ( not heard on 8703  )     
   11545     E3 Sat   01102004 1605   USB 72904     
   12603     E3 Sun   01112004 1610   USB      
   13375     E3 Sun   01112004 1610   USB      
 4095.55      ? Sun   01112004 0340    CW SWUSA Pirate SLCWBeacon!! "W"     
    4191      ? Sun   01112004 0514    CW poor hand-sent  CW 5lg, strong sig     

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