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[QUOTE shawn fahrer]
Does propagation change THAT MUCH in 24 hours to have a signal go from S9 to virtually zero in your part of the world from one day to the next (assuming no change at the transmitting end)?
[QUOTE shawn fahrer]

Yes, absolutely that is possible, in fact not at all uncommon, particularly when the receive system is a portable with a small antenna. I have seen propagation change in minutes so that a 20 over S9 signal becomes unreadable even on a full sized resonant antenna. What worked today at a given time and frequency will probably work tomorrow at the same time and frequency, but it is far from a sure thing.

[QUOTE shawn fahrer]
Why I believed it to be very special was that this transmission was made during a period of nearly two weeks from December 31, 2013 - at least January 8, 2014 (if not later), when none of the number groups were otherwise changed (both prior to this "V02" transmission AND AFTER it), Since it came so early in the new year, I assumed that it was a "preview" of the numbers to come for the next few months or so (especially if there were 150 of them to choose from).
[QUOTE shawn fahrer]

As for this one-time V02a being a possible preview of future numbers I find this very unlikely. Remember V02a used the 150 group format long before HM01 existed, there is little or no reason to suspect they would return to it to send callup numbers for HM01. If they wanted to send such a list of numbers it would be far easier to send it as one of the data files in a regular HM01 transmission. And since the data files appear encrypted this would not transmit the numbers to the rest of the world.

Also, there is no indication V02a ever did such a thing during V02a operations, why would it start now? If they did do such a thing (unlikely to me) I would suspect an entirely new format that fit the information structure they needed to send. If it was not the same kind of data as in V02a, why limit themselves to the V02a format?

Mojave Desert, California, USA

From: "shawn fahrer" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2014 2:33 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Spooks] HM01 response to and "Token"<>

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Regarding the possible V02 (a) transmission: I got many more numbers than six on a transmission on a frequency of 13435 kHz @ 07 UT on 01/04/2014. Alas, I couldn't write fast enough to keep up with the voice; but some of the numbers I did get were: 53037 // 60052 // 10730 // 21366 // 77061 // 04810 // 66206 // 31226 // 04162 // 78441 // 28778 // 11830 // 74674 // 71733 // 64355 // 07278 // 88480, etc., etc., etc. At the time I suspected it was a V02(a) transmission simply because a) it was NOT in the HM01 format (6 numbers, data files, etc.) and b) I read about such a thing while researching Cuban Numbers Stations as part of my ongoing reporting about said subject-- 150 different number groups, no data tones,etc.

If that was actually an M08 transmission in the voice format, you could have fooled me -- I wasn't aware that such an "error" could be made, even by the apparently error-prone Cubans, who've done some unusual things in my approximately six weeks of intensive recording of what ever numbers, patterns, etc. came my way. Why I believed it to be very special was that this transmission was made during a period of nearly two weeks from December 31, 2013 - at least January 8, 2014 (if not later), when none of the number groups were otherwise changed (both prior to this "V02" transmission AND AFTER it), Since it came so early in the new year, I assumed that it was a "preview" of the numbers to come for the next few months or so (especially if there were 150 of them to choose from).

As to yesterday's (05 - 07 UT + on January 17) transmission, the term "live" refers to it potentially not being a "dummy transmission" (especially since for the two previous days, the transmission was unchanged) -- not that the voice itself was live. I know better than to assume that the voice is human -- I've seen the videos with the number generating machine (in Spanish and German). In other words, I was saying that if you are are a spy (or a counter-spy) looking for an encoded message, the numbers transmitted would be the place to start attempting to decode said message, as opposed to the numbers from the two transmissions before, since this transmission is apparently "active" (perhaps a better choice of words).

I hope this clears the air on my comments....

Shawn From Flushing NY

(sounding the call to action when things seem to go totally haywire with the Cuban Numbers Station)

P.S. Perhaps Saturday's transmission (which may have already started earlier today, but for some reason seems not to work too well on the 25 meter band in the daytime on my $ 20 radio) will throw me for yet another loop (or may represent a return to numbers based on the ones of the 15th or 16th). Finally, I have noticed that when the HM01 operators want to put out a strong signal (to Eastern NA, where I live), they CAN DO SO -- even on the dreaded 25 meter band as I witnessed at 06 UT on 11435 kHz on the 17th. However, their will to do so seems to be challenged sometimes (or are those frequencies actually beamed to another region of the US or the world?).... Does propagation change THAT MUCH in 24 hours to have a signal go from S9 to virtually zero in your part of the world from one day to the next (assuming no change at the transmitting end)?
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